Zis Art Center, Armenija

11.10.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do petek, 1. november 2019
Zis Art Center is looking for European partners for the project on theater development and open-air installations in rural regions. Their goal is to support theaters and the actors of the places outside of the capital cities, take the theatrical art out of the 4-walls of the buildings, as well as recycle waste into theatrical decorations.


“Zis” Centre of Culture was founded in 2014 and implements various cultural events: exhibitions, forums, meetings, festivals, concerts, films, etc. the most large-scale of those events in Sose International Film Festival (www.sosefestival.com).
We have named the centre “zis” which is a Western Armenian pronoun meaning “to me”. With this we have signified the artist’s self.
The slogan “Zis” Centre of Culture is “Irreplaceable people do exist …” We ought to appreciate and praise the artists who add colour to the black and white life through their existence. They are irreplaceable.

Projekt: Rural (non-capital) cultural life development program

The purpose of the project is to activate rural (non-capital) cultural life, ensure employment of artists, joint work and exchange of experience from representatives of different regional theaters and other European countries, activation of audience cultural life, capacity building of theater professionals, decentralization of theater culture recycling of waste and unused items and their use as a theater decor and a contemporary art piece, performance of modern playwrights, training courses and master classes with renowned European professionals. One of the goals of our project is to remove the theater from the area of the theater building and bring it into the open air. One of the goals of our project is to remove the theater from the area of the theater building and bring it into the open air.

The project will be implemented in two main directions: theater and installation culture. The theater offers master classes and stage performances for regional actors, where will work the director, stage director and composer from other European countries. Cross-border cooperation will allow for a wider exchange of experience.

The task of the installation culture is to bring new life to both the neglected, unused environment and the unused items and waste. Installation exhibitions will be organized jointly with scenic artists and sculptors. They will include photo work, as well as percussions, dance performances and musical improvisation performances. It is not excluded that some plays will be played in these areas. These installations will be organized in the summer and may also serve as a basis for promoting cultural tourism.

Kontakt: Zis Art Center, satheatre85@yahoo.co
9 Sasuntsi Davit bck., Yerevan, Armenia