Teatro Rumore, Italija

23.01.2019, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do nedelja, 1. september 2019
Teatro Rumore is looking for partners to cooperate in a small-scale project “ComeUnity 2019” in the field of performing arts. 2019 theme is “community”.

Organizacija: Teatro Rumore

Teatro Rumore is a cultural association and drama school for children, teens and young adults from Viareggio, Italy, founded in October 2014. Since 2015, every year we organize an international youth theatre festival at the Fondazione Festival Pucciniano, in Torre del Lago Puccini, joined so far by theatre schools from Birmingham, Brighton, Southend-on-Sea, Graz, Vilnius, Leipzig. In the morning, we do our workshops, while at night every group puts on a play. In 2015, our media partner was the national online newspaper ilfattoqutidiano.it and we also had reporters from BBC and Frankfurter Allgemeine, who came to witness the meeting that we organized, along with a play dedicated to it, between the survivors of the Nazi massacre of Sant’Anna di Stazzema and the nephew of one of the SS officers who were condemned for that massacre. In 2018, we were honoured to have in our audience Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón, who won 2 Academy Awards and one Leone d’Oro in Venezia.

Projekt: ComeUnity 2019

“Always listen to the stories of your community and let them inspire you”, Oscar winner Alfonso Cuarón told us in June, 2018, when he came to our Festival. 2019 theme is “community”: community as a bigger family, a place where we belong, a new place we get to know, a net of common stories, the feeling to be part of something, the empathy and will to stand up for a common instance, the ability to include others, the gift to listen to our public and private stories and to narrate them in new forms, to search for past stories and make them bright… and every kind of community may come in your mind.

From November 2019, partners (youth theatre groups) will start searching for good and untold stories linked to “community”: they may be local stories, which speak to the world. Then the partners will work on them in order to collect info and to write a script of the performance they will bring about that story in Italy, in Torre del Lago Puccini, where they’ll meet in June 2020 to perform their plays and to take part in the international theatre workshops with the teachers and pupils from all over Europe, at the festival “ComeUnity”.

Teatro Rumore, a cultural association and drama school for children, teens and young adults from Viareggio, Italy, calls for partners for its fourth International Youth Theatre Rumore Festival. In November 2019, the partners will start their activities such as writing scripts or working on scripts with their pupils and exchanging ideas with the other partners abroad. Then, in June 2020, young actors aged 10-24, guided by their drama teachers, will have the chance to meet young people from all over Europe with their same interest in theatre; for a week, Fondazione Festival Pucciniano will host their performances and they will take part in free drama workshops held by international teachers.

First edition (2015)
Second edition (2018)

THE LOCATION Torre del Lago Puccini is a nice town located between the lake of Massaciuccoli and the Tyrrhenean Sea. It is were Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), author of many opera masterpieces, used to live and to take inspiration. In front of the lake, his villa is now a museum, while a very big theatre has been built to host the Opera Festival… and that’s where our festival takes place!

Kontakt: Ilaria Lonigro
E: teatrorumore@gmail.com, W: www.teatrorumore.com