AROGOS, Grčija

26.10.2018, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do nedelja, 1. november 2020

Organizacija: AROGOS

AROGOS is a cultural organization (NGO) based in Preveza, Greece. They represent the interests of professionals involved in the management of cultural heritage and seek to improve the cooperation between all involved parties.
1) Promotion of cultural heritage
2) Increasing the access to knowledge and education;
3) Development of alternative tourism;
Our mission is to present the history and value of cultural heritage to general public. Their innovative programs  create a sustainable economic and cultural environment for the benefit of the surrounding local population and society in general. The purpose of AROGOS is to link research and innovation through the implementation of programs and cultural events at local, national and international level to achieve economic and cultural sustainability as a long-term goal. They aim to become a dynamic mechanism for the upgrading and sustainable development of the Local Authorities, through cooperation with the civil society and, by implementing innovative ideas for problem solving in modern cities. Another goal is to monitor, research and evaluate political and public questions, events and concepts related to culture and cultural products.
They believe that cultural heritage can be a key factor of development and can become a basic tool of success for improving the lives of the current and future generations. They look forward to long-term cultural and economic sustainability in low-growth areas through the promotion of cultural heritage to attract tourism and interested stakeholders to invest in the area. Finally, they expect to set over-time, the aims, objectives, specifications and actions that will help in the sustainable development of the tourism industry in Greece through the development of an organized cultural and tourism plan.

They are interested in partnerships for the promotion and interpretation of cultural heritage. They would like to cooperate in projects involving cultural and alternative tourism.

T: (+30) 6944762802 & (+30) 2682400873