Úbiqa, Španija

6.08.2018, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 1. oktober 2018

Úbiqa: technology, ideas and communication is looking for partners interested to develop a small-scale cooperation project in the fields of audience development, non-formal education for artists and digital storytelling. They would like to either build a project or join an existing project focusing on these topics.

Organizacija: Úbiqa: technology, ideas and communication

A group of people. A mobile phone. And a story to tell. With these elements, Úbiqa designs and develops social communication and awareness-raising participatory projects based on dialogue, reflection and e-skills aimed at producing contents and digital narratives using video, photography, audio and other resources in order to foster the representation of experiences, territories and citizen concerns. The aim is to encourage citizen participation and promote the creation of contents and digital narratives using mobile phones as creation and dissemination tools, so that citizens can show their view of reality through digital projects and audio-visual and interactive platforms. We carry out our activity in different educational, social and cultural spheres from a cross-cutting approach: digital technologies and narratives as tools which foster dialogue, knowledge, innovation and social change.


At the moment we are not designing any projects of our own so we offer ourselves to take part in a small cultural cooperation project related to digital narratives co-creation and any project interested in audience development. We think that we could add value to the results dissemination skill so important for any project. Úbiqa’s programming framework is based on the new paradigm of Human Rights Promotion and their main regulatory and is made up of 3 vertical lines:

1. Promoting interculturality and enhancing the value of diversity
2. Awareness raising campaigns.
3. Participatory mappings
4. A cross-cutting one: communication, dissemination and awareness. Communication and dissemination with an awareness-raising purpose is not a vertical activity, but rather the very people who participate in the workshops as well as the collaborating organizations and institutions are the ones who communicate, disseminate and raise the awareness of the rest of their community.

We also offer our own technology: Ubiqarama Digital production ecosystem made up of a web platform and a mobile application, which enable the construction of territorial digital narratives. Ubiqarama systematizes and facilitates the production of participatory projects for the creation of citizen digital narratives using different resources: images, photos, videos, texts… through various narrative typologies: mosaics, routes and mappings with geo-positioned digital contents.

Več v priponki (.pdf).

Kontakt: José Luis Roncero
E: joseluis@ubiqa.com, T: +34 944 396 011, W: http://www.ubiqa.com/en/