Zagreb Dance Center, Hrvaška

27.07.2018, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sobota, 1. september 2018

Zagreb Dance Center is looking for partners from any EU country who are working in the fields of contemporary dance, art and culture, for a project focusing on contemporary dance and audience development.

Organizacija: Zagreb Dance Center

Zagreb Dance Center (ZPC) is the central space of contemporary dance in Croatia, which supports Croatian and foreign dance artists in their creation, and encourages a propulsive and dynamic dance scene. The main tasks of Zagreb Dance Center are to secure adequate conditions for rehearsals and performances; to program highly professional dance shows and their repeat performances; to encourage new trends in artistic production; to collaborate on local, national and international level; to strengthen the interaction between dance scene and cultural public; to educate young audience; and to raise awareness and appreciation of contemporary dance amongst the general public. It supports various innovative initiatives, advocates diversity and plurality of artistic visions, and encourages artists, audience and the community to explore and analyse choreographic and other concepts together.

Projekt: fokus na sodobni ples in razvoj občinstev

In cooperation with elementary and secondary schools, we intend to organize guided tours of Zagreb Dance Center, to do workshops, performances, talks about performances and talks with performers and authors, in order to make children acquainted with the art of dance and to do the presentations of occupations: dancer, choreographer, light designer and producer.
Our goals are: to raise awareness and appreciation of contemporary dance, to produce a high-quality, professional performance for the young, to familiarize the audience with contemporary dance through creative workshops and discussions (edutainment), to strengthen the cooperation with schools which are not specialized dance schools, to include the independent dance professionals and organizations into the implementation of the project, to raise the visibility of Zagreb Dance Center and dance art in Zagreb and Croatia in general.

Kontakt: Mrs. Martina Nevistić
T: +385 91 4872 565, E: