Regional Government of Granada, Španija

7.11.2017, Projekti sodelovanja / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do sreda, 15. november 2017

Regional Government of Granada is looking for partners, i.e. public administrations, associations or legal entities that work on heritage and cultural issues and private companies (know–how of the project at technical level) esp. from France, Italy and Tunisia to cooperate in a project with aim to encourage a wider knowledge of caves heritage in Europe and within European cooperation projects related to the EYCH 2018.

Organizacija: Diputación de Granada – Granada Provincial Council

The Provincial Council of Granada is a supralocal and intermediate government with the recognised constitutional right to manage, with complete autonomy, the specific interests of the province of Granada. The Provincial Council of Granada, in its status as a local public entity and assisting body to 169 municipalities, carries out a policy supporting balanced and sustainable development in the province, promoting, with this common aim, measures and actions in the most diverse fields: provincial development, equal opportunities and youth, culture and heritage, tourism, environment and renewable energies, social well-being, works, etc.


The project main idea is to encourage a wider knowledge of caves heritage in Europe through the built of a common story, the CAVE STORY. This story will be used to reinforce the sense of belonging to a community and to develop actions in order to promote the transnational mobility, the audience development and the capacity building of each partner.

Underground cavities and troglodytes assets are a very important part of the European cultural heritage. The caves form a part of the European culture, in traditional manners of life but; in spite of their high values, they are not still recognized as part of our cultural common heritage. Besides, the own inhabitants of the regions with caves do not recognize in them a cultural values since these areas had been linked historically to a precarious manners of life and to a few marginal populations. The territories selected are municipalities with geographically homogeneous areas of caves, which attends to different realities and to different historical evolution, but they have in common the necessity recognize the cultural value of this heritage. The interest of the caves heritage regard not only about the material cultural (historic building, environmental) assets but also immaterial assets (ethnologic value, Cultural assets will become the pivotal point of a system).

Za več glej: .docx

Kontakt: Laura Velasco García
E:, T: +34 651948193