MOTO, Srbija

26.10.2017, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sreda, 1. november 2017

MOTO is looking for partners, e.g. opera house, music centre, theatre, cultural centre, chamber ensemble, with good experience in audience development, for cooperation in the field of opera and promotion of young artists.

Organizacija: MOTO (Music Opera Theater Organization)

MOTO is a non-profit civil society organization, established for an indefinite period to achieve the objectives in the areas of culture, education and art publications. Our goal is to promote classical music, opera and theatre and to make it accessible to everyone. Our mission is to strengthen culture values and build tolerant society through activism and work of Serbian eminent artists, promotion and support of emerging artist, as well as inclusion of people with disabilities and marginalized population. All members of MOTO are renowned artists from the fields of classical music, opera, theatre and art.

Projekt: “opera summer school”

We would like to organize a summer school for young opera singers, répétiteurs and conductors, and for professionals (in connection to their activities as mentors). All partners together should be working together on opera production at the end of the project, and working on building the new visual identity of opera (especially in the field of digital art) making it acceptable, mobile and appealing as wider as possible. Chamber music is, of course, a big part of the project.

The project is not fully developed and we are open for cooperation on the concept of the project.

Kontakt: Natasa Jovic
T: +381637322614, E: