Strzelecki Ośrodek Kultury, Poljska

11.01.2017, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do torek, 30. maj 2017

Strzelecki Ośrodek Kultury center of culture in Strzelce Krajeńskie, Poland is a local governmental institution that organizes and promotes various cultural enterprises and events over the Strzelce Krajeńskie region in Lubuskie Voivodship. As a state institution, we represent and strive for promotion of local cultural activities, our goals being the activation and development of local communities including cross-cultural international cooperation and youth exchange programmes.

Strzelecki Ośrodek Kultury is looking for partners from (non-)governmental institutions from all around Europe and beyond to cooperate within different fields of culture.

See more (.docx).

Contact: Renata Tokarska
T: +48 95 76 32 439, E:
Address: ul. Wojska Polskiego 7, 66-500, Strzelce Krajeńskie, Poland