A38 Ship, Madžarska

20.04.2016, Posebne akcije Ustvarjalne Evrope / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do četrtek, 28. april 2016


A38 is the reincarnation of a Ukranian stone-carrier ship. With its inauguration on 30 April 2003, it started a new life on the Danube in Budapest as a cultural venue. The ship, as the utmost poetic symbol of freedom, life, travel, adventure and discovery; and the Danube, as one of the strongest symbols of Central European history and culture provide the A38 team with inspiration and serve as a compass for the whole project.

Reshaped, rebuilt and rehabilitated, A38 has become Budapest’s new industrial, trendy venue, overlooking a beautiful view, with the touch of nature and the memories of old and contemporary history.

A38 is open to ideas and unsolicited proposals, independent in decision-making and from any governmental organisation, future-oriented in choice of the themes in the programming, of the technology and due to the programmes for children and young adults, international in its programming, target audiences and in its project management methods.

The aim of A38 is to become a modern, pleasant, dynamic cultural centre. Besides its international music programming it also provides home for various cultural activities such as professional meetings, film, literature, digital and even gastronomy events. The A38 team initiates and manages its own projects as well as hires the venue for independent promoters and cultural organisations for artistic events. The programming is very broad in terms of styles and genres but consistent in quality standards.

Spletna stran: https://www.a38.hu/en/

Soós Kata
E: sooskata@gmail.com
T: +3620 373 7762
Skype: katasooska


‘You Are Here’ is the name of a participatory multimedia art project and a multi-layered cultural campaign aiming at the social inclusion of migrants and a better understanding of their cultural and personal background through  the development of collective art products, community building and information sharing.
The project aims at initiating a campaign by which the art world contributes to the social recognition and inclusion of migrants by effectively involving them into a collaborative exercise the purpose of which is to create artistic multimedia products reflecting on their experiences that would appeal to a larger audience. In this way, through the medium of the visual arts and the establishments of new contacts, the project would provide opportunities for the active social participation of migrants and intensify their acceptance by the broader public.

A central element of the project is the creation and inhabiting of an imagined city, in the form of a multimedia website, that will serve as a repository of the participants’stories and ideas and also as a surface to communicate these personal experiences to outsiders. This virtual city will be designed by the migrants themselves in a process facilitated by professional media artists and film makers. The site will contain memories the migrants have brought with themselves, visual recordings of their present lives, and their ideas regarding the near future. At start, the focus will be on how participants envision their next 2 years – where they will live, what they will do, how and in what forums they will interact with society. In this way, the city map will also map out the integration related expectations of participants.

The map will be published on different media platforms, like a community multimedia website, along with individual spots about the participants and the art work generated in the course of the project. Thus the map will provide an entry point to the virtual city where one can wander accompanying migrants to see how his/her world is seen by others. In the last phase of the project, the integration related expectations of migrants will be revisited and reflected upon by the participants themselves. The results of this kind of personal review of the success of individual integration trajectories, contrasting their previous expectations with actual realities, will also be posted on the map, allowing the audience to better understand the stakes and conditions of social integration from an expressly personal point of view.

Please find more about the project in the appendix.