Ephorate of Antiquities of West Attica, Piraeus and Islands, Grčija

6.04.2016, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do četrtek, 30. junij 2016


The project aims to engage performers, choreographers, architects, archaeologists – curators and museum professionals into a dialogue about the role of performance art in deconstructing, reassembling and reperforming the past. Through workshops, this collaboration plans to feature a range of new performance artworks (dance theatre and cross – media performance art and performative installations) and encompass a spectrum of live and participatory experiences at archaeological sites and inside museums.
The idea lies in a series of site – specific, artist – driven projects that themselves will be a rearticulation of museum collections and archaeological sites: Performance can function as a reading onto and into them, as a re-interpretation which can change the present through relating with the past.
Overall, the project expects to turn museums and archeological sites into a stage where, aside from the aspect of spectacle, audiences are to
be drawn into direct contact with artists and given the feeling they are part of the creative process. The idea has two interlinked aims: first to establish meaningful processes of involvement and interaction between local communities and heritage and second, to engage local communities in heritage management and protection.


Dora Evangelou
E: evangeloudora@gmail.com

Please find more about the project in the appendix.