Sladovna o.p.s., Češka republika

17.03.2016, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 5. oktober 2016


Sladovna is children museum and art-play gallery with the progressive and interactive course. It organizes workshops, concerts, public debates, performances as an accompanying programme of the interactive, educational and play-expositions. It is located in the centre of Pisek, a town in South Bohemia, Czech Republic. The museum is a stable organization funded by the municipality, a member of the International association of children in museums Hands-On !

Spletna stran:


Tereza Dobiasova
Director of the Sladovna gallery and initiator of the project

Michala Piskacova
project coordinator



Exhibition enabling children to live the great story of an adventure and love to be the heroes of their age.

It is a play exhibition based on the well known children book written by Astrid Lindgren intended to children of every age as well as to their parents.
It use the diffrerent artistic means as design, new media, theatre and storytelling to interact with the audience and enables go through the story and its emotions.
The main password of the project will be PLAYFULNESS – EXPERIENCE – NEW APPROACHES TO AUDIENCE but the project will have as well as an educational approach as it will generate the innovative lecturers´- and accompanying programmes for schools.
The project gives an opportunity to share and exchange the professional experience on the international level as well as on the level of different artistic and creative fields.

The project should last from May 2017 till May 2019, the estimated total budget should be 330 000 EUR split between 3 partners from 3 European countries, we are looking for one more partner at least. The leading partner and iniciator of the project is Sladovna in Pisek, South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Curator and main artistic author of the concept is Sandra Goos, dutch designer and artist, working in Amsterdam, Holland. The pilot exhibition Lionheart Brothers is planned for Sladovna, the minimum extent of the exhibition space should be 900 square metres, the expected number of visitors in Czech Republic is 25 000 people during the 4 months period, from which 25% should be schoolchildren. Than, there are two Italian organisations on the board, TPO – Florentian theatre for children and Explora – a gallery in Rome. The exhibitin should travel between the partner organisation.

Please find more about the project in the appendix.