Cultural Center Kolasin and Enseble Of Traditional Dances And Songs “Mijat Maskovic” – Kolasin, Montenegro

5.08.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do četrtek, 2. oktober 2014
KUD "Mijat Maskovic", iz Črne gore išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati na področju kulturne dediščine in glasbe, in na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja manjšega obsega podprograma Kultura, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra.

They are looking for small folk singing group, folk dance ensembles, world music artists, students and researchers of ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology, solists on traditional and modern instruments. The deadline to reply and confirm the interest in participation in the Project is to 1 September 2014.

More in the appendix >>>

Contact details:
Davor Sedlarevic, Spec. of traditional dance
Art Director at KUD “Mijat Maskovic”, Kolasin
T: +38220 865 426 / +38268 683 849