“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (LBUS) – The Library of the LBUS

25.07.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do četrtek, 2. oktober 2014
Knjižnica na univerzi Sibiu iz Romunije se želi pridružiti projektu s področja kulturne dediščine, in sicer na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja manjšega obsega podprograma Kultura, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra.

In 1969, the Library of the Higher Education Institute, subordinated to the “Babes-Bolyai “ University of Cluj, was founded in Sibiu. In 1990, when the University of Sibiu was founded, that library was changed into a University Library. In 2009 the new building of the University Library was inaugurated, thus becoming one of the most modern libraries in Romania. The Library provides information and documentation support for all 9 faculties and scientific researchers.

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Contact details:
Dace Bargā;
E: dace@satori.lv
W: http://www.satori.lv/