Vidzeme Concert Hall “Cesis”

25.03.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Ostalo
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Organizacija Vidzeme Concert Hall „Cesis” iz Latvije išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu na področju uprizoritvenih ali vizualnih umetnostih.

Vidzeme Concert Hall „Cesis” is a unique multifunctional cultural centre of national and regional significance, located in Cesis – one of the most picturesque towns of Latvia. Cesis is known for its rich cultural traditions and benefits from a growing interest of cultural tourists. The concert hall aims at providing high quality cultural events to local and international audiences.

In order to broaden the array of cultural program, introduce to local audiences artists of international standing and latest trends on art scene, the Vidzemes Concert Hall „Cesis” is looking for collaboration with cultural operators abroad to create high quality music, theatre, dance, cinema or visual arts projects.

More in the appendix >>> VIDZEME-CONCERT-HALL.pdf

Contact details:
Inese Zagorska, Director
Vidzeme Concert Hall “Cesis”
T: + 371 25623345, e: