Cooperation Network of towns on the Ruta de la Plata

17.03.2014, Evropske mreže / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Organizacija Cooperation Network of towns on the Ruta de la Plata iz Španije želi vzpostaviti evropsko mrežo krajev in/ali mest, ki se ponašajo z dediščino rimske antične dediščine. S tem namenom vabijo partnerje, da se jim pridružijo v skupni projekt.

The Cooperation Network of Towns on the Ruta de la Plata is an association of 24 member municipalities created in 1997 to promote an important cultural route based on an old roman road on the west of Spain:

We work in close collaboration with the Spanish regional authorities of the four regions along the route: Andalucía, Extremadura, Castile and León and Asturias together with other tourist entities.

With this association we seek to:
• Develop activities of promotion of the roman culture and the tourist destinations involved.
• Create a cultural and tourism product disseminating it, in order to contribute to the development of a new Cultural Tourism niche, capable of increasing development possibilities in each territory, by promoting travellers mobility in the partners involved territories.

More in the appendix >>> Via-de-laPlataRoute.pdf

Contact details:
Cooperation Network of towns on the Ruta de la Plata
C/ Cabrales no 82, 33201 Gijón (Asturias) Spain
T: +34 985 18 51 89, +34 985 18 51 11
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