European Association of Folklore Festivals (EAFF)

20.03.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Organizacija European Association of Folklore Festivals (EAFF) iz Bolgarije išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti (folklora).

The European Association of Folklore Festivals (EAFF) has been established in year 2007 in the ancient capital of Bulgaria – Veliko Tarnovo. Its main purpose is to preserve, develop and make popular the folklore of the different European nations by organizing festivals and using the modern television, computer and other information technologies.

At present the Association is looking to expand further its European network of partners and to apply for the Creative Europe programme with projects for organizing international folklore events. Organizations from the neighbour EU countries are very welcome. Additional information could be found at

Contact details:
EAFF – European Association of Folklore Festivals
12 “Dalga laka” Str., P.O. Box 27, 5004 Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
e:, T: +359 (62) 62 15 41, F: +359 (62) 62 34 64