Fundación EOI – Fundesarte

20.03.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Arhitektura, oblikovanje in uporabne umetnosti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Organizacija Fundación EOI - Fundesarte iz Španije išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu na področju umetnostne obrti in oblikovanja.

The project idea arises from a book published 4 years ago and the current exhibition in Madrid resulting from that book: The exhibition has an innovative approach that reveals the most cutting edge side of Spanish crafts, its interaction with the design field and the interesting harmony emerged between these two areas. This vision is quite new in the southern part of Europe but very well developed already in northern countries. The project aims at sharing this vision among different partners and countries by encouraging cooperation among individuals, entities and other stakeholders of the cultural sector.

The objectives of the proposed project are: to encourage collaboration / debate among craftworkers and designers; to refresh the image of crafts and highlight the most innovative and advanced area of this sector; to approach contemporary craft to: designers, design-makers, coolhunters and entrepreneurs interested in setting up a business with a handmade production; supporting transnational cultural themes and products which help to foster a greater sense of European identity; and, facilitating exchanges of good practices of similar initiatives among the partners of the project.

The main activities would be:
1. hosting in the participating countries the Spanish crafts exhibition characterized by its interaction with design, in the framework of a relevant design event in the country.
2. A forum in each country consisting of: a conference in the morning with leading craftmakers / designers and a “pecha kucha” in the afternoon.
(3. Partner countries are invited to send a design/crafts exhibition to the other participating countries if they have one available).
Of course, all this should be discussed and readjusted between partners once the consortium is established.

Contact details:
Laura Miguel
Técnico de proyectos Fundación EOI – Fundesarte Avenida de Gregorio del Amo, 6, 28040 Madrid – Espana
T: +34 91 202 95 17, F: +34 91 554 23 94
Skype: Fundación Espanola para la Innovación de la Artesanía