Fonds Libavas Filma

5.10.2012, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do petek, 31. maj 2013
Projekt: Cultural heritage of the sea, fishing traditions, coastside crafts traditions, folklore

Latvian NGO Fonds Libavas Filma is looking for some additional co-organisers for its project on cultural heritage to be submitted for the last call on 7th November 2012.
The project already has a co-organiser from Estonia and now would be happy to meet some additional partners not only from the Baltic Sea Region.

The short project description provided by the coordinator:

“This project will promote the research of cultural heritage. The cultural heritage of countries around the Baltic Sea has been developed shared as well as the nuances different. It is affected by geographic location. This heritage consisting of: traditions (fisheries, maritime, coastal crafts, folklore); coastal living cultural heritage (clothes, household items, food recipes), the region’s economic development history, which has influenced the cultural development processes (international trade), the region’s military history which historically often determines the dominant role and thus its culture of any nation.

The planned activities: street theater performances, workshops on the creation techniques of artifacts, movie screenings and discussions about the cultural heritage of the sea and draftsmen and painted workshop on fishing traditions, coastside crafts traditions, folklore and the way how these traditions are shown in other arts. These activities will take place in Liepaja, Latvia and Vormsi, Estonia and in additional partnership countries”.

Mr. Arvils Jakobsons