Polish Sports Foundation and Association of the Development of Niezmierowice Village

30.09.2012, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 31. oktober 2012
Projekt: Želijo se pridružiti projektu v okviru programa Kultura

Polish Sports Foundation and Association of the Development of Niezmierowice Village is looking for international intiatives to join as a partner.

Polish Sports Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Warsaw, Poland, aiming at promotion and dissemination of physical culture, sport and active lifestyle among various communities (youth/children, people with fewer opportunities, people with asthma/disabled people). Association for the Development of Nieznamierowice Village is a non-profit organization with the purpose of boosting the development of the Nieznamierowice village and alleviating poverty.

Possible topics of a project:

    – Children and youth’s education, development and entertainment
    – Mobilization of these young people (handicapped, in difficult material situation, living far from the city) who have lower opportunities for development
    – Promotion of physical culture, sport, active lifestyle
    – Development of local communities
    – Supporting local people’s (including children, youth, adults and old people) initiative
    – Promotion of culture, art, folklore, tradition; national heritage’s protection
    – Tourism and sightseeing
    – International cooperation and cultural exchange with youth from Armenia, Azerbajian, Belarus Georgia, Mołdova, Ukraine

E: kontakt@fundacjasportowapolska.plor
F: +48 22 427 50 83