Woba Kele

17.04.2012, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 1. oktober 2012
Projekt: LANG'AMAYE - mixed languages

A non-Profit Organisation operating since 2004 from Reunion island (A French island located to the east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean), whose primary objective is to promote dance, song and traditional music from Reunion island, Indian Ocean islands and Africa is looking for partners in cultural exchange project called LANG’AMAYE. This project started between Malawi and Reunion island in 2009 and has since grown to other parts of Africa.The  main aim of the project  is to Unite the whole world through art and culture.

More information in the appendix. 

Nelly Porta, E: dir@afgaborone.org ali Jon Munthali, E: jonmunthalichili@gmail.com