24.05.2010, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do petek, 31. december 2010
Projekt: Cultural Diversity: culture and Romani art in Europe

The aim of the project is to provide an uptodate and dinamic network or cultual promotion experts in Roma arts and culture around Europe, covering all arts: scenic, plastic, dance, music, literature. This does not nowadays exist, with a large number of small local associations that work on their local range and covering usually one discipline (mostly dance and music in South west Europe, Hungary and Romania). Target groups in this project are various. The result of this project should that of providing a sustainable tool to reach cultural promoters (both public and private) in allo European countries. Project partners intend to contact directly or indirectly (through other networking associations and cultural operators) with around 200 artists throughout Europe.
In the other hand, cultural promoters around Europe will be given a glimpse of what roma art culture means and involves, providing them with contacts of other experienced cultural promoters in order to facilitate the organisation future events regarding Roma arts and artists. Also, the project will provide cultural promoters around Europe with specific seminars and workshops, as well as the opportunities of exchanging information and experiences with other colleagues from different countries in Europe concernig Roma culture and culture promotion methods. Project partners intend to contact directly (attending seminars and workshops) or indirectly (through other networking associations and culture operators) with around 300 cultural promoters throughout Europe.

Three important objectives are:
1. the creation a European network of culture and romani art: online information tool for research, study, promotion and dissemination of roma culture and arts to serve as European forum for cultural operators, and for general public as well, on roma people cultural and artistic expressions.

2. setting up Roma Arts Promotion Centre in Spain, a stable structure to serve as a local promotion centre for roma culture, promoting facilities to disseminated among the rest of the networks around the different European countries, and being in contact with other organizations, associations, foundations, NGO´s;

3.Organization a high-level seminar on Roma culture and Art (February 2011) Experts and cultural operators of different countries will be invited to take part to the seminar, that will on one side bring in contact local population with roma culture, and on the other side foster research on it, considering it as an important contribution to the definition of the profile of European culture.

Organization is looking for partners from cultural sector and representatives and cultural organizations from Roma community.

Kontakt: Esperanza Barranco
Institución Cultural el Brocense