University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz

18.09.2009, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do četrtek, 1. oktober 2009
Projekt: Babel Tower of Vanishing Culture

Organization from Poland is looking for partners in two-year project Babel Tower of Vanishing Culture / Vanishing Cultures in the Eyes of Foreigners ( they are going to apply it within Culture Programme).

The aim of the project is to organise a Grand Exhibition promoting vanishing cultures of the partner countries. The partner institutions will be expected to select a place of cultural significance in their countries and host a visit of foreign artists from partner countries so that they can gain a full insight into the vanishing cultures, custom and traditions. During their stay they will prepare artistic material that can included in the final exhibition, these can have various artistic form, such as photos, films, drawings, artefacts, other multimedia means of communication. Having completed this phase of the project, the groups of artists return to their countries, where they prepare their part of the Grand Exhibition on the basis of their journals and materials collected or created. This multimedia performance consisting of the parts prepared by each group will be the culminating event of the project. The value of presenting the vanishing cultures through the eyes of foreigners lies in their objective approach to the customs, traditions or artefacts they will familiarise with thus rendering them in an unprejudiced way. A website on which the participants will be able to exchange their views, place their photos and join a discussion forum will be available throughout the duration of the project.

Kontakt: Marta Chrusciel
University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, E:, W: