The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra

3.09.2008, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do torek, 30. september 2008
Projekt: School Education ProgrammeThe Malta Philharmonic Orchestra is looking for partners to cooperate in the project School Education Programme related to educating youth about orchestra, music and instruments aimed at school children aged between 5 – 16 years and their teachers.

The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra believes that as the highest musical entity on the island, employing only professional musicians, they have the duty bound to extend their services not only to the audience during concerts but also to the younger generation – school children – in order to recognize from a young age the importance of music in our lives.

They have already started a school education project, where school children meet the orchestra, learn about the different instruments and also get the chance to play some of the instruments themselves. This activity has proved to be very much welcomed in schools and has created a big demand for this initiative. They say: “It is our pleasure to participate in such projects and it makes our aim – that to enhance music education in our schools – a successful one.”

The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra would now like to take further this school education project and therefore apply as per strand 1.2.1 of the Culture Programme 2007 -2013. The project is split in two main parts:
· Production, Translation & Printing of Audio Visual music education material to be used in schools by the 3 countries
· Production of a musical concert involving students from all the three countries involved in the project

Kontakt: Michael Aquilina, Manager – Logistics & Marketing
Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, 88, Old Mint Street, Valletta VLT 1519, Malta; T: +356 2124 4473, M: +356 7942 3009, E:, W: