Regione Abruzzo

17.10.2007, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do sreda, 31. oktober 2007
Projekt: Fresco paintingProject idea is setting up a European fresco painting laboratory, cooperating with academies, European schools of art and cultural associations for a stable teaching of the fresco techniques.

Young artists coming from different countries could enhance their abilities on fresco technique and experiment their acquired experience during an international event, aimed to the realisation of one fresco, jointly painted by the entire group.
Regione Abruzzo is looking for co-organisers like cultural associations, schools of art or academies.

Fresco technique is the oldest known form of painting, since its first appearance could be recognized in French caves over 35.000 years ago, where the Neolithic man applied natural earth pigments to the walls to illustrate his life.
Going through the Pompeii’s houses and Mayan Temples, during the Renaissance it obtained the title of Mother of all Arts, as wonderfully exemplified by the Sistine Chapel, erasing so the boundaries and distances between cultures.

Fresco painting seems not changing but rather evolves from civilization to civilization, from culture to culture reflecting changes in society, ideology/religion and major transformations in the development of cultures. These are the reasons why, besides representing one of the main art expressions throughout the world, it could be also considered as an amazing tool of promoting intercultural dialogue and tolerance.

Kontakt: Mrs. Sara Trotta / Mrs. Rita di Matteo
Regione Abruzzo, Ufficio informazione promozione e progettazione comunitaria, Piazza S. Giusta Palazzo Centi, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy