Baltic Artistic Agency

13.07.2007, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sreda, 31. oktober 2007
Projekt: Singing out EuropeThe main objective of the project Singing out Europe is taking up and maintaining a cooperation and sharing experiences between European amateur choirs.

The exchange concerns vocal techniques, traditional repertoire, ways of working and sustaining activity, and ideas of increasing mobility of amateur choirs in Europe, taking up joint activities. An important theme is also sharing the roots of choral singing in all countries, finding specific features of each European country hidden in traditional and folk repertoire.

Serving this purposes, we want to organize several workshops meetings (getting to know European achievements in area of songs – sacred, folk, ritual), presentations and confrontations of choir’s work (concerts and festival), sessions devoted to practical aspects of organizing choir’s activities (how they work throughout Europe, how to strengthen their position), lectures of experts in choral singing, creating website for maintaining cooperation and exchanging information, choir’s presentation and contacts.

Kontakt: Joanna Stankowska, Beata Majka, Agnieszka Kochanowska
Baltic Artistic Agency
Kościuszki 61, 81-703 Sopot, Poland
T: 0048 585558458, M: 0048 606 748 227
E: W:,