The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz

13.02.2007, Program Kultura (2007-2013) /
Odgovori do sreda, 28. februar 2007
Projekt: The Great Book of Graphic Arts from the second half of the 20th century

The aims of project: A collection of the graphic oeuvre of artists from the second half of the 20th century whose works have been not put into the social circulation.
Presentation of these arts currents which for various reasons had no chance to find their place in the mainstream of the 20th century arts.
The idea lying behind our actions is to rescue from oblivion works and their authors who were excluded because of geopolitical reasons, to rescue from oblivion the works which were unluckily created too early or too late, to prevent what is nowadays often called >exclusion< and what concerns spatial and time peripheries.
We want to find a place from which the graphic arts of the 21st century came and the place it heads to because, as some critics say, the graphic arts is now on the edge (Richard Noyce Printmaking on the Edge).

Kontakt: Elzbieta Michalska
The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz 64, Rewolucji 1905r., str. 90-222 Lodz, Poland
T: +48 42 631 58 32, F: +48 42 631 50 32, E: