In from the Margins

Project area
Visual Arts 
International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana (partner) 
Project lead
Cork Printmakers Limited (IE) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2020
EU funding
178.458 EUR

Coordinator: Edinburgh Printmakers Ltd (UK)
Partners: Cork Printmakers Limited (IE), Fyns Grafiske Værksted (DK), Mednarodni grafični likovni center (SI)

Project amount: 297.431 EUR
Grant Awarded: 178.458 EUR (60 %)
Project duration: 15.12.2020-30.7.2023

»In from the Margins is a three-year program of Studios of Sanctuary residencies working with artists with experience of displacement; exchanges of their work; and engagement with refugee, schools and wider communities. «

A three-year program of ‘studios of sanctuary’ residencies and exchanges between print making studios across Europe, working with artists from refugee and migrant communities to celebrate their contribution to European life. The project has the stories of refugee and migrant artists and communities at its heart and each residency will be captured through film and digital imagery and shared through print, visual arts and refugee networks.

The project partners will work together over three years to:
1. stablish a jointly curated program of ‘studio of sanctuary’ residencies working with artists with experience of displacement to research, produce and present work. Each partner will host six one-month residencies per studio. The focus of the artists’ work will be on graphic creation in graphic studios.

In 2022, the International Center of Graphic Arts will host all six artists selected in a public call at a one-month residency:
* April: Lina Rica / HR
* May: Maja Živko / BIH
* June: Azadeh Hashemzadeh / Iran
* September: Qëndresë Deda / Kosovo
* October: Azad Karim / Iraq
* November: Francisco Tomscich / Uruguay

The works of all participating artists in the project will be presented at the closing exhibition in April 2023 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

2. Skill exchanges between artists and partners around work with refugee and migrant groups and engagement practice.

3. Debate, discussion and events – during gallery openings, and with all the network meetings focused around celebratory events involving refugee and migrant groups during residency programs.

This project has been developed by Edinburgh Printmakers with the support of the British Council and Creative Scotland, which has allowed meetings during the planning stages and the building of a shared vision among the partners.

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