Coordinator: Umetnostna galerija Maribor (SI)
Partners: Društvo BLOK (HR); SCCA Center za sodobno umetnost Sarajevo (BiH); Tirana Art Lab (AL); Laznia Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk (PL); IEFSEM Inštitut za etnologijo in folkloristiko z Etnografskim muzejem Sofija (BG); Muzej zgodovine Jugoslavije (SRB); Univerza na Primorskem (SI); Center plesa, Maribor (SI).
Project duration: 17.10.2014 – 31.3.2017
EU support: 198.990 EUR (60 %)

In the framework of the international interdisciplinary project “Heroes We Love. Ideology, Identity and Socialist Art in New Europe”, in the section “Postsocialism and Nostalgia” the conference No V Nostalgia on the move was organized in September 29-30 2016 in the Museum of Yugoslav History (a new name Museum of Yugoslavia introduced in April 2017). In addition, a study visit to Moscow (out of three planned) was organized in February 2017. A publication with selected papers was published in March 2017. Besides support of the “Creative Europe 2014 – 2020” these activities were partly supported by Alliantz KulturStiftung.
The conference Nostalgia on the move gathered researchers from different disciplines, artists and curators in discussion on key issues and dilemmas on matters of memory and remembrance underlining the work of museums and other cultural and heritage organizations: how we should deal with nostalgia in heritage sites and what challenges museums are confronting. This was also a fruitful opportunity for others interested in the matters of memory, remembrance and nostalgia.
The conference was to address these questions: representations of nostalgia, nostalgia and museums/heritage sites, musealization of nostalgia, performing nostalgia, nostalgia and identity, political dimension of nostalgia.
The aim was to make a retrospective of actual researches and debates which would help us to trace the path for the future research and program activities, and open space for exchange of opinions for researchers and others interested in questioning how societies remember and what it means for taking an active standpoint towards challenges of contemporary moment. Activities organized by the Museum of Yugoslavia (former Museum of Yugoslav History) were in accordance with the project aim to reconstruct an important segment of the shared history of New Europe and to strengthen cross-cultural respect and understanding through trans-national collaboration and mobility.
Source: EAC.