Píñar Town Hall, Spain

30.08.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


Píñar is a small village located in the south of Spain, Granada Province. It has a rich heritage, highlighting its caves from Paleolithic period accessible for disabled people and a Mid Age Castle, which importance is crucial to put in value the history and the most important facts occurred centuries ago in there, when muslin and Christians fought to obtain the power of Al-Andalus.
The main idea is the integration of territory, cultural heritage and tourism to improve the local economy throughout diverse cultural activities.


Piñar town hall would be very grateful to participate as partner in a new project which main goal is the development of remote areas throughout culture, history and the integration of the population respecting its diversity. So, the town hall of Piñar is looking for European entities, (with similar objectives and a heritage in process of making it accessible for visitors and local citizens), that are preparing a project and are interested in a Spanish partner.

On the other hand, several activities have been thought to participate in a cultural project:

1.Create a training center focused on heritage, castle or defensive architecture where, annually, workshops are organized and which participants come from different areas as architecture, archeology, …
2.Once a year, a partner of the project could organize a workshop where professional opinions and architectonical knowledge are exchanged. Exchange of experiences to share the know-how.
3.Organization of photography exhibition, taking into account the photos from the neighbors.
4.Virtual rebuilding of the heritage to immerse virtually in the past. An app for electronic devises to bring the heritage and culture closer to children and elderly people.

E: mariagarciabadillo@doctortrece.es
E: alcaldiapinar@gmail.com

Please find more about the project in the appendix.