La Foule d’eau, France

3.05.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


“La Foule d’eau” is an itinerant space of artistic co-creation under construction dedicated to intercultural dialogue and action research. Our association is headquartered in Torcy, 20km from Paris, aboard a barge.

Contact: Amar Benbia
T: +33650217231


The team of “La Foule d’eau” started with a simple idea: Why not turn an abandoned barge on the public domain of cultural, social and digital experimentation object on the territories of Europe?

Nothing holds us to make this fallow after the fluvial and industrial heritage dedicated to the destruction and pollution of ecosystems, a collective laboratory for experimentation on intercultural dialogue, art and territorial action research.

Therefore, we propose the project “Melting Creatives: Co-creations in intercultural space” in the program “Creative Europe”.
This is an action research project that aims to experiment with new artistic, economic and social models as part of the renovation of the barge “Cassard” abandoned on the Marne 20 km from Paris. We want to make it an itinerant space of artistic co-creation, participatory and inclusive as part of a group of European artists who choose to include in their creative process researchers, residents, local authorities, universities, amateurs, migrant artists … and to imagine together to increase the range of possibilities.

The question is: How to make an abandoned barge a space to explore inovative ways to create commons and empowerment on a multicultural territories ?

Please find more about the project in the appendix.