Creative Europe – Slovenian applicants advance in full sail

From film education to integrating cultural heritage with contemporary artistic creation. The success of Slovenian applicants to the latest EU Creative Europe – Culture and MEDIA sub-programmes’ calls for proposals continue.

Following our previous reports on the Slovenian filmmakers succeeding within the MEDIA sub-programme schemes (film festivals, project development and distribution, see press release) in the spring, the summer has again brought new exceptional results. Three organisations in the field of film education and access to audiovisual markets deserve a special mention. For the first time in 15 years since Slovenia is participating in the MEDIA sub-programme, the Slovenian Animated Film Association (DSAF) has succeeded as coordinator of an international co-production event with the EU support of €60,000. In addition to that, Kinodvor Cinema and Otok Institute as partners participate in three out of only eight international film education projects supported across Europe.

This year, the CULTURE sub-programme supports unprecedented 130 cooperation projects, again with substantial Slovenian participation: 20 Slovenian organisations in 20 projects! These include five Slovenian coordinators who are going to receive a total of €2.8 million of EU support: Slovene Association of Historic Towns, Slovene Writers’ Association, Projekt Atol Institute, Imago Sloveniae and Bunker Institute. The latter is to be credited to a great extent with Slovenian success, being the coordinator of one of only 17 large-scale cooperation projects supported overall. Also contributing to the overall success are additional 17 Slovenian partners in international projects: Druga godba Festival, Slovene Writers’ Association, Glej Theatre, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, International Centre of Graphic Arts, City of Women, MG+MSUM, Museum of Architecture and Design, Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, Piran Municipality, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Slovene National Theatre Maribor, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation, Bunker Institute, Kersnikova Institute and Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

MEDIA and CULTURE results presented more in detail (.pdf).