Not yet written stories – women artists’ archives online

Project area
Visual Arts 
SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (partner) 
Project lead
Fundacja Arton (PL) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2019
EU funding
172.652 EUR

Coordinator: Fundacja Arton (PL)
Partners: SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (SI), Latvijas Laikmetigas Makslas Centrs (LV), Ured za fotografiju (HR)

Project amount: 287.757 EUR (60 %)
EU support: 172.652 EUR
Project duration: 1. 10. 2019–30. 9. 2021

The project’s leading motive will be examination and popularization of the creations of women-artists of the 2nd half of the 20th century and the problem of discrimination of women in art.

The project will begin with workshops in 4 countries (PL, HR, LV and SLO) for 37 students of art-related study majors (to increase their research, curator’s and digitization skills). The workshops will be conducted with the use of an international on-line repository created under the “Forgotten Heritage” project (from Creative Europe program). The workshops will be accompanied by in-depth studies on the archives of women-artists. A result of the research and workshops will be exhibitions (approx. 2 months long) in 4 countries (PL, HR, LV and SLO), the co-authors of which will be workshop participants. Then, the archives of women-artists discovered again during the research and workshops will be digitized (approx. 1550 items) and made available to the public on-line in the international digital repository. No archives from LV and SLO have been available so far in this repo.

The project’s culmination will be an international, 2-day conference in Warsaw for approx. 50 specialists in avant-garde art of the second half of the 20th century and gender and women’s studies. The conference will address the following subjects:
* use of new technologies in digitization
* challenges related to complementing the picture of the European art, which is incomplete in connection with inadequate
presence of the creations of women-artists in discourse and circulation
* the problem of mutual links and penetration of avant-garde art of the 2nd half of the 20th century in different European countries and transnational cooperation in this area.

The conference will end with a publication distributed in 3000 copies among specialists, students and general public interested in these problems from different European countries.

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