Music International Summer Academy –MISA , Georgia

16.08.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Saturday, September 30 2017


Young Musicians International Association of Georgia was founded by young Georgian pianist Shorena Tsintsabadze in 2015. The association implements the project “Music International Summer Academy” – MISA.
The primary goal of the association is to promote classical music among Georgian youth with educational and cultural activities. MISA is raising awareness regarding classical music, giving knowledge to students and helping them to develop their professional career since 2015. In frames of MISA the master classes, lectures and seminars are provided by famous local and international professors and musicians where young participants are introduced to their professional experiences. MISA discovers the best new talents on the scene of classical music today in Georgia in four field: piano, violin, clarinet, chello, conducting and orchestra section. MISA motivates and supports young talents to develop their creativity and advance their career. It is worth to mention that MISA is a charity project – participation in academy is free, also professors work with musicians without financial support. Accommodation and meal is provided from the administration.


They are interested to participate in projects which are focused to promote classical music through educational and cultural activities among young people, are oriented to give theoretical and practical knowledge to young musicians from the field of classical music and have excange programs where talented young musicians get in touch with European professionals and youth  in order to share their cultural experience.

More about the proposal in the appendix.

MISA – Music International Summer Academy
M +995 599 611 982