RedPlexus, France

3.05.2016, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


A space of research, experimentation; confrontation and reflexion about performance, created by Ornic’art group of performers in 2007. Based in Friche la Belle de Mai in Marseille.
Objective: To favour new forms of performance, crossing networks and disciplines focused on performances, organizing workshops, residencies and events.
Tools: Festival Préavis de Désordre Urbain (September 2016)
A “committed” festival connected to the problems of the contemporary world, encouraging experimentation and poetical and subversive actions:
– Plexus Rouges (thematic evenings of performance)
– Laboratories / Residencies / Meetings
– Network of artists performers

Contact: Christine Bouvier
Friche la Belle de Mai – 41 rue Jobin, 13003 Marseille
E: redplexus@free.frT: 33 6 61 34 936 2, W:


RedPlexus is interested in participative and immersive projects of performance and develops a work of research and experimentation about it. RedPlexus promote projects proposing to the audience an experience which could transform it, projects that re-create social links and federate publics.
The project would be to favour immersive and participative artistic projects in urban space and to work with different audiences including very precarious people, excluded of the circuits of culture and art.
The project would encourage use of new technologies. New technologies allow to write artistic projects which transform the relation to the public and create an individualized relationship.

Please find more about the project in the appendix.