The School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica will already in 2018/19 offer a range of 5 international workshops (Portugal, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia) within the project of MAST – Module in Arts, Science and Technologies*. Selected students of the Media Arts and Practices MA (postgraduate) programme will face an interdisciplinary challenge, seeking innovative solutions with support of excellent mentors, artists, scientists, engineers, curators and producers.
The School of Arts open day in June will take place on Tuesday, June 5, at 3pm at the School of Arts premises, Palazzo Alvarez, Via Armando Diaz 5, Gorizia, Italy (see location), for:
*Digital Arts and Practices (BA, undergraduate) – Carrier modules ANIMATION, FILM, NEW MEDIA, PHOTOGRAPHY, CONTEMPORARY ART PRACTICES.
*Media Arts and Practices (MA, postgraduate) – Carrier modules ANIMATION, FILM, NEW MEDIA, CONTEMPORARY ART PRACTICES (incl. ART/SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY — MAST pilot module).
More information about the studies on info.au@ung.si or phone +386 51 3366 70, from Monday until Friday from 10am – 15pm (Friday until 13pm). If you are interested in the MAST project in any other way, please refer to Prof. dr. Peter Purg, the project lead at peter.purg@ung.si .
*The project MAST: Master Module in Art, Science and Technology, supported by the European Commission, “will develop an applied study module at the intersections of ART, SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, combining methodologies and practices that will intertwine the academic sphere closely with the industry realms of the Culture and Creative Sectors” (Source: the University of Nova Gorica). The project partners include School of Arts – University of Nova Gorica (SI, coordinator), Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (PT), Technical University Graz, Institute of Spatial Design (AT), Kersnikova (SI), Kitchen Budapest (HU), Culture Action Europe (BE) and Croatian Cultural Alliance / Unicult programme (HR).