Take part in photo contest PHOTO-STORY OF OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD

You are invited to catch the image of yours/ours residential neighbourhoods through a photo camera or a camera on a mobile phone, and thus contribute to the creation of a common photo album of the current state of the art in the neighbourhoods.

Fotozgodba, Human Cities: challenging the city scaleSubmit the photos and their subtitles on the web page humancities.uirs.si, where you can register and place your photo within one of the following categories:

a.) most pleasant place in my neighbourhood
b.) professions in my neighbourhood
c.) my neighbour
d.) borders of my neighbourhood
e.) shared values in my neighbourhood

Photo contest runs from 5th of September to 31st of October 2016.

An international jury will select three photos from each category, which will be printed as postcards with the presentation of author’s view of a neighbourhood. They will be presented at the closure of the exhibition Streets and Neighbourhoods in the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana (MAO) and in spring 2017 at the travelling exhibition of Human Cities project.

HC-ccc14-18The contest is organized by the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) within the framework of the international project Human Cities: Challenging the city scale (Creative Europe 2014–2020) in cooperation with Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) and local initiative Skupaj na ploščad! / Together to the platform!.