24th International Festival of Contemporary Arts - City of Women is dedicated to all without fear, to all fighters for freedom, forgotten and acclaimed, and to all courageous, well-known and yet to be known. Highlight of international happening will be held from 4th to 8th October 2018.

From 21st September and 30th October 2018 will boisterous, defiant, militant, loud, dirty and famous authors from all around the world inspire with stories, images, verses, rythms and bodies united at City of Women, Ljubljana. Highlight of international happening will be held from 4th to 8th October 2018.

Repressions, intimidations, encroachments on human rights, racist, trans and homophobic statements of patriarchy – in 2018 we still have to deal with all of this on this small exhausted planet Earth. Nothing is going to stop us. The future will either be feminist or not at all!

More information: festival programme and tickets.

Festival activities are part of two projects, supported by the EU Creative Europe programme:
Performing Gender – Dance makes differencies
MusicaFemina – Women made Music