Nova Gallery of Visual Arts, Serbia

7.02.2020, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Friday, March 6 2020
Nova Galerija Vizuelnih Umetnosti (Nova Gallery of Visual Arts) from Belgrade would like to participate in the Western Balkan cooperation project, especially ones related to strengthening the visual arts market and career development of young artists from the region.

World Press Photo, Netherlands

10.01.2020, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Tuesday, March 10 2020
World Press Photo would like to engage and train Western Balkan based photojournalists in their work. They are looking for partners in all Western Balkan countries, esp. from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia and Serbia. They have already connected with Foundation 17 in Kosovo.

Foundation Shtatëmbëdhjetë (17), Kosovo

10.01.2020, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Tuesday, March 10 2020
SHTATËMBËDHJETË (17) would like to cooperate as a partner in a project related to strengthening the capacities of cultural and creative industries in the Western Balkans and/or increasing transnational circulation of cultural and creative works and transnational mobility of cultural and creative players.

Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

21.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Wednesday, November 20 2019
Library & Service of Information, Digitization and Archive Management of the Cyprus University of Technology is interested in collaborating mostly with partners from countries with high refugees acceptance rates since they want to study how children express their experiences as refugees through art.

Biennale of Western Balkans, Greece

21.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Wednesday, November 20 2019
The Biennale of Western Balkans (BoWB), an initiative of the History of Art Laboratory in the School of Fine Arts at the University of Ioannina, is interested to cooperate as a partner in projects in the field of cultural heritage, contemporary art, new media, audience development, development of new cultural business models, development of innovative educational methodology.

Fundación Ibercaja, Spain

3.09.2019, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Tuesday, October 1 2019
Fundación Ibercaja (Spanish Foundation) would like to participate in a project as a partner. They are interested in working on the audience development (through Virtual Reality) and promotion of art and painting among children and young audiences.