
21.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Ostalo
Reply by Wednesday, March 19 2014
AlhóndigaBilbao is looking for partners to cooperate in projects under calls (1) “Cooperation Project” (EAC/S16/2013; deadline: 5th March 2014), (2) “European networks” (EAC/S18/2013; deadline: 19th march 2014), (3) “European platforms” (EAC/S17/2013; deadline: 19th March 2014).


17.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Ostalo
Reply by Wednesday, March 5 2014
Project: KOWThe project "KOW" is related to co-working, co-development and artistic stimulation. ARJÉ is looking for partners for featuring their proposal in this first phase now in March (Culture Sub-programme).

Gruppo CSCS

6.08.2008, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Ostalo
Reply by Tuesday, September 30 2008
Gruppo CSCS is interested to take part as a partner organisation in a framework of the call for proposals Pilot project. Networking of existing structures supporting mobility in different cultural sectors, EAC/16/08