Uran Company Ltd., Bulgaria

16.03.2020, Special actions / Multimedia and New Technologies
Reply by Friday, April 10 2020
Uran Company Ltd. (BG) and Khortytsia National Reserve (UA) are looking for a third consortium participant with expertise in audiovisual content development. Their proposed project will be devoted to the indoor navigation technology; the development of specialized museum mobile application “Interactive guide-navigator” using innovative BLE technology.

Women of Ukraine IT, Ukraine

16.03.2020, Special actions / Multimedia and New Technologies
Reply by Thursday, April 30 2020
A non-governmental public organization “Women of Ukraine IT” from Kyiv is looking for partners, esp. from Czech Republic for a unique project to create an innovative cultural product using augmented reality technology. The uniqueness of the project is to create a comprehensive cultural tourism program with the ability to scale worldwide through special software. The project proposal will be submitted under the Creative Europe Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digital Call.

Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal

15.11.2019, Cooperation projects / Multimedia and New Technologies
Reply by Friday, November 22 2019
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo is looking for partners (museums, higher education entities and public institutions), esp. from Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Croatia and Bulgaria. Their project proposal aims to contribute to the development and accessibility improvement to culture and arts for European children with new media to be implemented in cultural spaces.

Active For Culture, Georgia

28.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Multimedia and New Technologies
Reply by Friday, November 8 2019
NNLE Active for Culture is looking for partners, e.g. digital and new media platforms, research institutions, art centers, educational platforms, to cooperate in a project related to the development of capacity for the new media artists, institutions and audiences.

Bolt Virtual, Greece

16.05.2019, Special CE actions / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, May 31 2019
As a specialised VR software developer, Bolt Virtual are interested to join a project under the cross-sectoral strand (Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digital). They would like to cooperate with museums, art galleries and other cultural organizations.