Iniciativa Fór_um/Velvet Carnival, Czech Republic

5.08.2019, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Monday, September 2 2019
Iniciativa Fór_um/Velvet Carnival is searching for a cooperation project consisting of festivals/carnivals, which aim at bringing together various professional, social and, age groups and which strive to reflect pressing political/social issues, ideally through satire and art. They are interested in artist exchanges (various art forms – visual arts and music) and youth target groups (elementary–high-school).

Bolt Virtual, Greece

16.05.2019, Special CE actions / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, May 31 2019
As a specialised VR software developer, Bolt Virtual are interested to join a project under the cross-sectoral strand (Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digital). They would like to cooperate with museums, art galleries and other cultural organizations.

Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers, Finland

20.02.2019, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Tuesday, April 30 2019
Association of Finnish Children's Cultural Centers is preparing a European project on children's culture. They aim to set the model for European Children's Cultural Centers that would offer a European forum on exchange on best practices. They are looking for partners that are ready to create national or regional models in practice, and take responsibility of their region in Europe.