Wom@rts – Women Equal Share Presence in the Arts and Creative Industries

Project area
Interdisciplinary Projects 
Maribor Art Gallery (partner) 
Project lead
Auditorio de Galicia (ES) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2017
EU funding
1.566.890,33 EUR

Project leader: Auditorio de Galicia (ES)
Project partners: Academy of Applied Arts University in Rijeka (HR), Centre audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir (FR), Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Angouleme (FR), Fundación Municipal de Cultura de Avilés (ES), Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts Ltd. (UK), Limerick Institute of Technology (IE), Maribor Art Gallery (SI), Viešoji įstaiga Vilniaus rotušė (LT), Women in Film & Television Finland (FI)
Project duration: 1. 9. 2017–31. 8. 2021


Wom@rts aims to highlight the contribution of women to the European cultural heritage and diversity, and to tackle gender inequality by supporting their presence in the Market from a cross-sectoral perspective, promoting a wide range of mobility actions, knowledge, tools, training activities and events. The project aims to highlight and support the creativity of women from a cross-sectoral perspective, focusing on the following sectors of the Cultural and Creative Industries:

*Literature / publishing / comics
*Fine and Visual arts (printmaking, lens-based media, new digital tendencies)
*Performing arts (music and performances)

WOM@RTS will aim to implement a line of action through various task groups, including: the creation of a study and the preparation of documents for the protection of gender equality in culture, the organization of a network of ambassadors for the project; an international promotional platform for female creators; artistic residences in the field of printed, comic and digital arts; a group exhibition on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the publication of Simone de Beauvoir’s Second Sex; workshops and trainings with artists and other top-level creators and the participation of artists and intellectuals at various international cultural festivals.
See more at UGM and EAC websites.

The main activities of UGM in 2018 within the project:

1. Meet the Masters: lectures, workshops and other forms of masterclasses for the promotion of successful artists from different cultural fields and the transfer of skills and knowledge to the targeted audience. In May and June, UGM conducted the following events:
– Talk with the artists Maja Smrekar and Simona Semenič (May 8).
– Workshop Wiki editors (May 23–25).
– Lecture Why there are no female artists on Wikipedia? with guests Ana Čigon and Miran Hladnik (May 23).
– A lecture titled Simone de Beauvoir for All and for none by the philosophers Eva D. Bahovec (May 31).
– Concert of the multimedia artist КУКЛE, who addressed the audience with sound – visual performance (June 16).
– Lecture by philosopher Laura Hengehold on the theme of autobiography on the case of Simone de Beauvoir (October 11).
Artist talk with local and international artists within the international exhibition Do not Look Back, okay? (December 1st).

2. UGM is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the project’s website Wom@rts.eu and the management of social networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.  

3. Wom@rts Ambassadors: the partners selected each at least one ambassador, an expert in the field of arts and culture, who will contribute to the recognition and prestige of the project in the next years of the project. UGM chose the philosopher Eva D. Bahovec, a specialist for Simone de Beuavoir, specifically her book Second Sex, which is the central theme of the Wom@rts project.

4. Artistic residences: project partners selected each one artist for three residences from the fields of graphics, comics and illustrations and digital media. UGM published an open call for artists on July 1, 2018, and over 20 artists applied for the tender. The goal of all three residences was to draw attention to the anniversary of the book Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Gender, and to interdisciplinary links between different artistic genres and the media. The works created at the residences will be joined in the next year’s traveling exhibition, which will be curated by the UGM Breda Kolar Sluga.

UGM selected the following Slovene artists to attend the artistic residency in 2018:
Ana Pečar (digital media; August 10–16, Avilés, Spain);
Samira Kentrić (comics and illustrations; September 24–October 3, Angoulême, France);
– Mina Žabnikar, aka Mina Fina (graphics; October 15–24, Limerick, Ireland).

Project activities:
Women, (be)coming in Maribor

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