Tracing the Art of the Straub Family

Project area
Cultural Heritage 
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Piran Regional Office (partner) 
Project lead
Hrvatski restauratorski zavod (HR) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2017
EU funding
199.799,18 EUR

Project leader: Hrvatski restauratorski zavod (HR)
Project partners: Bavarian State Department of Monuments and Sites (DE), Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (SI), Universität Graz (AT), University of Ljubljana (SI)

Project duration: 1. 6. 2017-30. 11. 2019

Foto: Hrvatski restauratorski zavod, crkva Majke Božje Jeruzalemske
Foto: Hrvatski restauratorski zavod, crkva Majke Božje Jeruzalemske

Cultural and art historical intitution from four European countries are cooperating in the International project TRArS. Partners in project which will start on 1st June 2017 and end on 30th November 2019 are Croatia (leading partner), Slovenia, Austria and Germany. The main task of this project is to collect all documents and to photograph as much as possible about the art of the Straub familiy. We will also do conservation restoration works and laboratory analyses on some sculptures made by one of the member of Straub family. The working team will have four common workshops during the project. All collected documents and research results will be published on webpage and in a catalog.

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