Third Stage

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Periskop (lead) 
Creative Europe (2021–2027) - Cross-sectoral / Innovation Lab
EU funding
616.057,66 EUR

Coordinator: PERISKOP ustvarjanje, umetnost in komuniciranje d.o.o. (SI)
Partners: ADD d.o.o. (SI)Art rebel 9 d.o.o. (SI), CEIPEScentro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’Educazione e lo Sviluppo Associazione (IT), OPTIVA MEDIA Consultora de Telecomunicaciones Optiva Media SL (ES)
EU support: 616.057,66 EUR
Project duration: 1. 5. 2022–30. 4. 2024

The objective of ThirdStage.euPan-European platform and innovative business model for distribution and promotion of AV streaming of European cultural performances is to develop an innovative platform for broadcasting of European creative and cultural works in order to showcase innovative tools and methodologies in order to safeguard, develop and promote European cultural and linguistic diversity and heritage. Beside the platform, the project will emphasize the mechanisms for transparent and financially viable business models that cover the entire value chain. Through the combination of actions, the consortium will propose a set of protocols and guidelines on “green” creative industry support the creation of European works and strengthen the economic, social and external dimensions and innovation in Europe’s cultural and creative sectors. The Platform to be developed and demonstrated in the project will encourage innovative approaches to content creation, access, distribution, and promotion across cultural and creative sectors by taking into account the digital shift, covering both market and non- market dimensions.

At the same time, ThirdStage will open up the space for opening of culture and creative industries, and will raise the visibility of European works throughout Europe and beyond. Using cutting-edge technologies, a platform will broadcast live cultural and creative events anywhere in Europe; it can be replicated in any niche (theater, concert, opera, ballet, audiovisual works) and will have a clear and transparent business model of revenue-sharing between key players in the production process. Thus, all involved parties can estimate the economic viability of their content going live online. Novel technologies integrated, allow production of »greener« contents, e.g. with optimized energy used in production, as well as reduced carbon footprint. It will also connect the communities across Europe, allowing expats to maintain a permanent link to their culture of origin and Europeans to learn about cultural and language diversity in Europe.

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