Stronger peripheries: a Southern coalition

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Bunker Institute (partner) 
Project lead
Rtemrede-Teatros Associados (PT) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2020
EU funding
1.729.263 EUR
Southern Coalition supported by Creative Europe.

Coordinator: Rtemrede-Teatros Associados (PT)
Partners: Asociatia Centrul Cultural Clujean (RO), Associazione Culturale l’Arboreto (IT), Bunker, zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih prireditev (SI), Consorci Transversal Xarxa d’Activitats Culturals (ES), Fakultet dramskih umetnosti (RS), ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (PT), PCAI Awareness Raising (EL), Pergine Spettacolo Aperto (IT), Pogon – Zagrebacki centar za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade (HR), PRO Progressione Kulturalis Nonprofit Kozhasznu KFT (HU), Reseau en scene Languedoc-Roussillon association regionale de coordination et de diffusion des arts spectacle en Languedoc-Roussillon (FR), Teatro di Sardegna Centro di Iniziativa Teatrale Società Cooperativa A R.L. (IT), Universitat de Barcelona (ES)

Project amount: 3.458.527 EUR
Grant Awarded: 1.729.263 EUR (50 %)
Project duration: 1. 12. 2020–30. 11. 2024

The Southern Coalition network intends to reinforce the connections between peers through cultural projects, cultivating a close dialogue between artists, operators and communities. As its first project, “Stronger Peripheries” wants to provoke real changes in the work of artists and cultural operators. To do so, it will promote new artistic productions (to be presented in 9 countries), workshops, conferences and documentation, focusing on alternative models that take the peripheries reality into account. The project is expected to impact on 2.000 professionals, reaching 10.000 in a broader approach.

With a total budget above three million euros, the Southern Coalition network assures the contribution of networks, universities and cultural organizations. The group has representatives from Portugal, Spain, Republic of Serbia, Greece, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Slovenia, Italy and France. It gathers organizations, to some extent, identifying with a loosely defined ‘Southern Europe’, all committed to foster local community engagement in the arts and all devoted to overcoming the obstacles in their specific contexts by increasing mutual cooperation.

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