Smuggling Anthologies

Project area
Cultural Heritage 
Idrija Municipal Museum (partner) 
Project lead
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (HR) 
Culture (2007-2013) / Strand 1.1 - Multi annual cooperation projects & Strand 1.2.1- Cooperation measures
EU funding
107.211 EUR

Project leader:  Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka (HR)
Coorganizers: Mestni muzej Idrija (SI), Trieste Contemporanea (IT)
Project duration: 1. 2. 2013–31. 1. 2015

The project combined the phenomenon of smuggling with creativity, opening the path to modern art; it also used different sciences with the broad perspective to highlight its waving in the past and present, touched upon crime and the law, art and the economy. Three temporary exhibitions and an accompanying international symposium were organised in Rijeka, Idrija and Trieste, where the creation of artistic works, and the research results of participating artists and lecturers were presented to professional and general public, on the basis of a competitive tender of those invited to participate. Besides the “Smuggled Anthologies” exhibition that combined art and its own museology, and a two-day international symposium, the Idrija Municipal Museum also executed two field workshops, a temporary exhibition about cheating as smuggling knowledge, an evening of documentary films, a museum story hour and filmed a story. The results of the project were published in the museum publication The Panorama of Idrija (Idrijski razgledi) 2/2014 in the joint publication of the project entitled Smuggling Anthologies Reader. (Source: Idrija Municipal Museum.)

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