SMOTIES – Human Cities. Crative works with small and remote places

Project area
Architecture, Design and Applied Arts 
Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (partner) 
Project lead
Politecnico di Milano (IT) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2020
EU funding
1.744.519 EUR

Coordinator: Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Partners: Alternance SLF (IS), Cite du design-ecole superieure d’art et de design (FR), Clear Village Trustee Limited (UK), Eesti Disainerite Liit MTU (EE), FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH (AT), Panepistimio Aigaiou (EL), Universidade da Madeira (PT), Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije (SI), Zamek Cieszyn (PL)

Project amount: 3.489.039 EUR
Grant Awarded: 1.744.519 EUR (50 %)
Project duration: 1. 11. 2020–31. 10. 2024

Human Cities was founded in 2006 as a platform of interdisciplinary exchange, questioning about livability of public spaces by using participatory design as a tool to supply systems of process and innovation.

Starting from 2008 the platform was funded three times by the “Culture” program of the European Union consolidating the approach and creating opportunities for several cities to implement innovative artistic and design projects, creating network building capacity and diffusing cultural values.

With “SMOTIES-Creative works with small and remote places” project, the platform will decline its approach on 10 small and remote European places intended as depopulated, relationally remote and depositories of a material and immaterial culture that risks being undervalued, not consolidated, not handed down, and hence lost. They will benefit by the production of cultural and creative works done with the 10 partners (nodes of creativity) through a shared methodology (design thinking) that will guarantee a process of engaging of local communities for audience development, transnational mobility of creativity professionals, masterclasses and training for an educational purpose and an evaluation of the impact in order to generate a long term legacy on the involved places.

Project activites:
Meet a LOCAL HERO from Topol Pri Medvodah, Slovenia: Jakob Šubic is a forester and a proactive local actor in public space in his own village Topol pri Medvodah which is part of the Pohov Gradec Dolomites Landscape Park. He is currently committed into reviving the orchard tradition in the centre of Topol pri Medvodah, however he is also and above all engaged in helping people to reconnect with nature, whatever their age is, via the organisation of non-institutional events. In the video interview he is expressing to Urbanistični inštitut RS his love for the nature and give his perception of what a community is, besides describing his action in his own community. Source FB @humancitiesEU.

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