RESHAPE – Reflect, Share, Practice, Experiment

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Bunker Institute (partner) 
Project lead
Office national de diffusion artistique (FR) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2018
EU funding
598.603,28 EUR

Coordinator: Office national de diffusion artistique (FR)
Partners: (ACT) Association for Independent Theatre (BG), Ariona Hellas AE (GR), Artemrede-Teatros Associados (PT), Zavod Bunker (SI), Centrum Kultury w Lublinie (PL), Fundatia Alt Art Pentru Arta Alternativa (RO), Goethe-institut EV (DE), Institut Umeni – Divadelni Ustav (CZ), Kunstenpunt vzw – Flanders Arts Institute (BE), Pogon – Zagrebacki centar za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade (HR), British Council (UK)

Project amount: 1.197.207,28 EUR
EU support: 598.603,28 EUR (50 %)
Project duration: 1. 9. 2018–31. 3. 2021

RESHAPE is a prototype of a collaborative, transnational method to rebuild performing arts’ organisational models. It identifies structures in wider Europe who test practices that indicate future models and evolutions. It provides a framework to join them together, raise their experiments to a truly transnational scale and put their creativity in the service of the whole performing arts sector.

RESHAPE uses the strength and diversity of the European intermediary organisations to promote the results of these experimentations and make sure they have a lasting impact on the arts ecosystem in the Euromed. The project proposes concrete solutions for 5 challenges tackled in all activities defining business models: How to upgrade audience development by practicing citizenship together? How to make open, inclusive and flexible governance models? How to better understand and promote the value of art in the social fabric? How can solidarity funding secure the vitality of contemporary creation? What framework and tools do artists working transnationally need and how to provide them?

– Launch Open Calls to map initiatives that experiment new models.
– Organise a Forum where at least 150 arts professionals meet, discuss and reflect on alternative practices.
– Conduct 5 thematic Trajectories around 5 issues that determine future business models in which, over 18 months and through 15 workshops & remote work, 50 arts professionals jointly imagine and propose new models, strategies and tools.
– Organise 2 Intensives – sessions where ca. 70 arts professionals compare and discuss the innovative practices and where their ideas are infused with creative solutions from other sectors.
– Organise a Conference to share results and open the process to the broader arts & culture community.
– Raise awareness and understanding by documenting new models and disseminating their innovation processes and inspiring results, with the aim to make the new proposed practices sustainable.
(Source: EAC.)

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