Coordinator: Združenje zgodovinskih mest Slovenije (SI)
Partners: Complexul Muzeal National Moldova IASI (RO), “Culture Hub Croatia” platforma za edukaciju, kreativnost i poticanje razvoja kroz kulturu (HR), Fundacion Universitaria San Antonio (ES), Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu OY (FI)
Project amount: 314.546 EUR
Grant Awarded: 188.727 EUR (60 %)
Project duration: 1. 10. 2020–30. 9. 2022
ReFresh+ builds on positive experience from the recently completed project (Creative Europe, 2018 EYCH) and with the ambition to explore further how cultural heritage and young artists can jointly address two challenges: bringing cultural heritage closer to the audience and young artists closer to art markets. To advance the initial project approach into a more sustainable model, the partners Association of Historic Towns of Slovenia, Moldova National Museums of Iasi, Romania and UCAM university, Spain, invited the Finnish Arts Academy from Turku and Culture Hub Croatia to make ReFresh+ objectives feasible: 1) promoting cultural heritage and exploiting its creativity potentials; 2) taking advantage of transnational cooperation for strengthening capacities of the young artist for an independent international career and 3) strengthening international cooperation between culture and educational actors in providing quality support to grow young artists careers.
Objectives are translated into a set of steps and attractive events (ReFresh+ Boot-Camp, Production Week, Art Marketing Training) implemented in real transnational context. 14 young artists from 5 countries will come together to learn, share and reflect on intangible heritage of Slovenia and Romania and get inspired by them. Through a facilitated process, two teams will elaborate co-creation strategies and produce new artworks/ performances linking cultural heritage and different forms of art expressions: theatre, music, dance, film, … The market potential of artworks will be assessed, and the artists equipped with the digital materials, skills and market networks.
While the artworks will improve the attractiveness of the heritage sites, the young artists will strengthen their visibility and position themselves in the international art community. Artists remain connected after the project completion and the ReFresh+ business model documented and freely accessible in the form of e-booklet or video tutorial.