Coordinator: Radio študent (SI)
Consortium partners: Udruga Radio Student (HR); Verein Freies Radio Wien (AT); Radio Campus (FR)

Project RadioMuse – European Urban Community Radio Music Exchange, is bringing together some of Europe’s important music oriented independent radio stations with a tradition of bringing new, urban, alternative and local music to its listeners. Project is based on the music exchange among the partners in the form weekly “Featured songs” and bi-monthly exchange of “RadioMuse broadcasts”, presenting local music, artists, producers and labels from the countries of participating radio stations.
Radio Študent (Ljubljana, Slovenia) is the lead partner of the RadioMuse project and the project partners are Radio ORANGE from Vienna (Austria), Radio Student from Zagreb (Croatia) and the Radio Campus France, a radio network from France.
The aim of RadioMuse project is to endorse the importance of human selection standing behind the music presented at the radio (as opposed to computer generated music suggestions on digital platforms), the role of urban/alternative radio stations in educating and informing its listeners on new, hip, quality and also locally important European music and to reassure the ability of the radio to push and promote new music and support rising artists in gaining new audiences. In order to facilitate audience access to relevant information about the diversity and creativity of several local music scenes, which mostly remain within the national borders due to language barriers or the limitations of reach of the specific communication channels they use, we have formed an international network of independent radio stations who will use their knowledge on local music scenes to create radio productions which will circulate around the network, crossing the limitations of borders. (Source: RadioMuse.)